Critical communications refer to the exchange of information that is crucial for the functioning and safety of individuals, organizations, or society as a whole. These communications are often tim...
In RF systems, active and passive devices are often used, so what are active devices, what are passive devices, and what are the differences between them?
(i) Definition:
An active component must b...
Notch filter refers to a filter that can quickly attenuate the input signal at a certain frequency point to achieve a filtering effect that prevents the signal of this frequency from passing throug...
As technology advances, the telecom industry is keening on smaller, lighter communication systems, today we’d like to introduce how to take a cavity filter as a module carrier to design a miniaturi...
The 4th Western Microwave Conference of IME2022 was ceremoniously held in Chengdu. As a grand gathering of microwave, millimeter-wave and antennas with industry influence in the western region, thi...
As the “super infrastructure” of the future digital world, 6G will support the multi-dimensional perception and ubiquitous intelligent connection of people, machines and things with t...