High frequency band pass filters are electronic devices designed to allow only a specific range of high frequency signals to pass through while attenuating signals at frequencies outside that r...
High-power low-intermodulation load, low PIM Termination Load including low-intermodulation attenuation unit and low-power low-intermodulation winding load connected to the output of the low-inter...
A low noise amplifier is generally used as a high-frequency or intermediate-frequency preamplifier for various types of radio receivers, as well as amplifying circuits for high-sensitivity electron...
In recent years, for the purpose of saving costs and reducing duplication of construction, many indoor distribution systems have adopted the model of a multi-combined system that shares a room with...
The highly anticipated FISU World University Games is set to captivate the sports world as athletes from across the globe gather in Chengdu, P.R. China, from July 28 to August 8, 2023. Organized by...
According to technical fields, the emergency communication systems currently used in the field of public safety mainly include emergency platforms, satellite communication systems, shortwave system...